Nope. Not Today.

Today has not been a good one in the Snyder house. It’s one of those days where even making light of our chaos can’t prevent me from being overwhelmed. Minutes are tick tocking by so slowly and I just want to stick my head in my hands and give up. I feel defeated.

Last night was a bad night of sleep for everyone, which has made everyone on edge today. And the whining. There’s so much whining. And I HATE whining.  My words cannot even express the hatred I have for it.

I thought maybe things would go uphill once Charlie and Anisten had their naps. Nope. A whole bag of nope. If anything it put them in worse moods. Ani woke up screaming. And has not stopped. I tried to hide in the bathroom to catch a break, didn’t matter. She followed me and screamed outside of the door. And then Chuck woke up. And when she’s in a bad mood, she brings everyone down with her. So bring on the hitting and the screaming. Half an hour into her straight screaming tantrum it was time to get loaded into the car to pick Aidan up from school.

But with the way things are going today, I don’t even know how I am going to get Charlie in the car. And suddenly her scream gets louder. Because the dog threw up all over her toys and she stepped in it. And that is gross. And Anisten wants me to pick her up so as I’m dealing with getting Charlie cleaned up she’s going to crawl through it to get to me. Double screams. And Elsie does not handle throw up well. So she starts gagging and dry heaving. And screaming that she’s going to throw up. And I had to leave three minutes ago.

I must be a pro at this game, because I wasn’t even late picking Aidan up. A little early actually. And the girls are still screaming.

Two seconds of space. I need it to take a breath. Collect myself. Regroup. And take charge of this day. Some days are just worse than others. Some days we just don’t have it together. Some days I just want an empty lap. Today is one of those days. Tomorrow will be better. We will try again tomorrow.



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